Permanent Residency

Permanent Residency

According to the law, a non-resident of Cyprus, who owns property in Cyprus, has the right for a residence permit. There are no restrictions for the EU citizens.

Permanent Residency will be granted through the immigration office, subject to certain requirements, by making a minimum investment of €300.000 in property on the island.

Regulation Criteria

  1. The property can be a house or apartment
  2. The applicant has to provide proof of an initial payment to the amount of €200.000 which has been transferred from abroad.
  3. The remaining balance needs to be paid into a Cypriot bank account.
  4. The sales contract needs to be submitted to the Department of Lands and Surveys Prior to the application.
  5. The applicant should have a fixed deposit of €30.000 lodged for three (3) years in a Cypriot Bank. This amount needs to be derived from abroad.
  6. The applicant and his/her spouse if applicable must have a clean Criminal Record.

Benefits of the Cypriot Permanent Residency by Investment Program:

  • The issuance of Residence Permit within 2 (two months)
  • The permit covers the entire family
  • No language requirements
  • Physical residence requirements are not essential (the applicant, his/her spouse and all dependents are required to visit Cyprus once every 2 (two years)
  • Easy access within the European Union
  • Cyprus is a common law jurisdiction
  • No inheritance tax
  • Low property tax


The applicant may purchase up to two properties provided the total amount of  both properties meets the  requirement of  €300.000. These properties purchased can only be brand new properties.

The total annual income of the applicant and His/her spouse needs to be at least €30.000.

  1. This amount must  be derived from abroad (wages earned outside Cyprus, pensions, dividends, deposits, rent income etc.)
  2. This annual income increases by €5.000 for each dependent of the applicant, and €8.000 for each parent of the main applicant   and spouse.

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